Making your
next decades easier

What is chiropractic?

Chiropractors are trained to evaluate, diagnose, and treat nervous system dysregulation that may be arising from spinal and nervous system stress brought on by the 3Ts. The three Ts include Trauma (physical stress), Toxins (chemical stress) and Thoughts (emotional stress). Each of these, in isolation or collectively, elicit a fight-or-flight response.

Happy Clients

  • “I'm extremely impressed by Dr. Amnah's diagnostic skills and meticulous treatment. Chiropractic has improved my quality of life immensely, allowing me to work out and be at the top of my game. Thanks, Dr. Amnah, keep up the good work!”


  • “I had a sacrum injury before my first International Marathon in Istanbul. Although doctors didn't find any broken bones, the pain was persistent and held me back from running to my full potential. After consulting Dr. Amnah Bhatti in November 2022, within two months of treatment, I am back to running at full potential and training for international marathons in 2023. Thanks to chiropractic, I've learned more about my body and the importance of recovery.”


  • “I had severe back pain and anxiety for eight years, and tried various doctors and painkillers. After 8-9 sessions with Dr. Amnah Bhatti, she pinpointed the problem area and my pain is now almost gone. My anxiety is also under control. I can now do my daily chores without any pain. Thanks to Dr. Amnah!”


  • “I suffered from severe back pain for a year and tried many treatments, but nothing helped. Then, a friend suggested Dr. Amnah Bhatti, and after just six weeks of treatment, my pain disappeared. I'm grateful for her expertise; without her help, I may still be in pain today.”


“The preservation of health is easier than the cure of disease.”

B.J. Palmer - The Developer of Chiropractic

Your First Visit

Step-by-Step Guide

  • When you come in for your initial appointment to ABCW for a consultation, Dr. Amnah will take down your history and ask you questions about your initial complaint as well as any other medical issues (including family history). Any radiological evidence such as x-rays/MRI or CT scans will be seen at this point.

  • You will then be asked to change into a gown and taken into the treatment area where a full spine exam will be conducted.

  • Following the exam, Dr. Amnah will explain the findings in a report of findings (ROF). You’ll be advised of any radiological investigations – such as x rays, MRI or CT – that need to be done at this point. The ROF will explain the cause behind your symptoms. Keeping in mind your history, Dr. Amnah may tie up the cause to any injury, stress or toxic exposure that may have precipitated the spinal stress you are experiencing.

    What to expect from an ROF:

    - Time frame (number of sessions per week, and for how many weeks) for resolution of acute and or chronic symptoms.

    - A way forward detailing return to function in terms of activities and exercises.

    - You will also be given a timeline regarding when you can initiate heavier gym/pilates/sports activities. If the symptoms aren't traumatic, and you have come in for a routine nervous system check up and general alignment, you’ll be able to continue the above activities in conjunction with your chiropractic visits.

  • Once the ROF has concluded, you will be given a rundown of our charges per session. This will conclude your first visit with us! You can then schedule your treatment visits at the front desk.

    You will be provided with a definitive way forward in terms of a diagnosis and a timeline for correction geared towards resolution.